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March 21, 2011
I was analyzing my web hosting logs and compiled some data about the domain names listed as having visited the Electrongate web site over the 11 years of its existence.
The most common visitors come from:
.CA (Canada)60,860
.AU (Australia)25,379
.DE (Germany)22,175
.UK (United Kingdom)19,062

Out of the 1,876,649 unique resolved hosts from 262 potential internet top level domains, the following countries have one thing in common: No one from these countries' internet domains has ever visited electrongate.com. All the other domains of the world appear at least once in the file of hosts taken from the log files. To be honest, I've never heard of some of these countries, so I shouldn't be surprised if they haven't heard of my web site!

  • AF Afghanistan
  • AO Angola
  • AQ Antarctica
  • AX Aland Islands
  • BB Barbados
  • BF Burkina Faso
  • BI Burundi
  • BV Bouvet Island
  • CF Central African Republic
  • CG Congo
  • CM Cameroon
  • CS Serbia and Montenegro
  • CV Cape Verde
  • DJ Djibouti
  • DZ Algeria
  • EH Western Sahara
  • ER Eritrea
  • ET Ethiopia
  • FK Falkland Islands
  • FX France, Metropolitan
  • GB Great Britain (UK)
  • GD Grenada
  • GF French Guiana
  • GM Gambia
  • CQ Equatorial Guinea
  • GU Guam
  • GW Guinea-Bissau
  • HM Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  • HT Haiti
  • IO British Indian Ocean Territory
  • IQ Iraq
  • KI Kiribati
  • KM Comoros
  • KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • KP Korea (North)
  • LR Liberia
  • MH Marshall Islands
  • MP Northern Mariana Islands
  • MR Mauritania
  • MW Malawi
  • NE Niger
  • NR Nauru
  • PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • PN Pitcairn
  • PW Palau
  • SB Solomon Islands
  • SD Sudan
  • SH Saint Helena
  • SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen
  • SL Sierra Leone
  • SO Somalia
  • SR Suriname
  • TD Chad
  • TG Togo
  • TK Tokelau
  • TL Timor-Leste
  • TN Tunisia
  • TP East Timor
  • UM United States Minor Outlying Islands
  • VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • WF Wallis and Futuna
  • YT Mayotte
  • ZR Zaire (former)
Looks like I need to increase my marketing to include Africa, South Pacific Islands and, of course Wallis and Futuna.

Other domains that have never checked in at Electrongate include:

  • PRO Professional Services
  • NAME Personal Name
  • NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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2011-12-07 10:00:01
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