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December 10, 2009
A snow covered Mount Elden in the morning.
covered mountain photo
Click for full size.
By the way, the garden tractor with the snow plow blade are pretty much useless when the snow is more than about six inches deep. The snow was about a foot deep here and I had to do a lot of shoveling by hand.

December 3, 2009
This Saturday, keep an eye out for a tethered red balloon like this one:

These balloons will be part of the DARPA Network Challenge contest. I am participating with Team Fark and encourage you to do the same. If we win, the prize winnings will all go to the Toys For Tots charity. If you happen to see one of these balloons, which will be located somewhere in the U.S.A. on Saturday, December 5th, contact me by phone or email and I will pass the information along to our team leader. Ideally you should get the balloon number and also talk to the DARPA representative that will be in the area. If you are unable to do this, at least let me know where you saw the balloon and we can get someone to confirm the sighting.
Our team located 8 out of the 10 balloons, but unfortunately, MIT was the winner with all ten.

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2011-12-07 10:00:01
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