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2025-03-05 10:15:35 PST

June 20, 2004
I made a short video of the cat at play. Click the link, or right-click and save-as "hidey.mpg". (MPEG, 690,559 bytes).

June 6, 2004
Here's Heidi:
Heidi Cat
Heidi Cat and Rhonda

June 3, 2004
We got our new kitten on Tuesday, and she is making herself at home quite well. We have decided to call her Heidi (or Hidey?) because she like to hide in hard to reach places. Like behind the dryer, in the space beside the fridge, under the TV stand, and other places still to be discovered. I should have some photos to post here in the next day or two.

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2011-12-07 10:00:01
Temperature: 156 F


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