February 22, 2002
Today is George Washington's birthday. George Washington is known as the
father of our country. It has been said that without him, there would be
no United States. Thanks George!
February 2, 2002
We visited our old haunts in California last week, including two nights of jamming with
the "Miranda House Band". It was great to see our friends again. Tom M. gave me a copy of
a CD he put together (cover art below) of some selections from previous jam sessions which was pretty cool.

The members pictured here are (clockwise from the top left):
Bill Cawthorne, Tom Malzbender, Paul White (me), Dennis Maggard, Lisa Ryner and Michael Cavallo.
Other folks attending and playing during our visit were Brad Melmon, John Recker, Kevin Kerle, Josh Keithley, and
others too numerous to mention.