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2025-03-05 10:27:14 PST

November 12, 2001
Paul & Rhonda's 7th anniversary!

November 11, 2001
I just finished planting the last of the White Oak and Black Walnut seedlings that I received from Greenwood Nursery last week. It took most of a week to plant all 50 trees, getting up at daybreak and planting 8-10 seedlings before going to work. On Saturday, I was running out of places to plant that would not block the view of the mountains, or interfere with the septic tank or underground utilities. So, the last 20 seedlings went into pots. I rigged a water pump, a 55 gallon barrel and some batteries on a trailer that I can pull behind the garden tractor to water the trees that are too far from the house to reach with the hose.

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