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2025-03-05 10:21:43 PST

September 29, 2001
A couple of our many little friends at the house
Bird Prairie Dog
A view of our house and yard from a nearby hill (Old Caves Crater)
Our House is a Very Nice House

September 11, 2001
The news of the terrible attacks on the United States is shocking and profoundly sad. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the innocent victims.

September 9, 2001
I used the new garden tractor to mow the yard last month. The weeds were 2 to 3 feet tall. It took 7 hours and two tanks of gas to finish.

September 2, 2001
Here are some photos from our recent trip. Click on the thumbnails to see the big picture, along with descriptions.
hogan Mitten
Butte Rhonda at
Monument Valley Rhonda at
the Goosenecks Paul at
the Goosenecks Cindy,
SheeShao and Russ Eli Group 
photo Jon and
Miriam Rhonda at
Bear Lake Red
Mountain Pass

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