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2025-03-05 10:27:49 PST

October 24, 2000
It's kind of interesting to see how people find this web site through search engines. I've posted a list of search terms used to find pages on electrongate.com here.

October 21, 2000
Here's a map of the route we took on our holiday earlier this month.
Some points of interest were Barstow, Las Vegas, Furnace Creek in Death Valley, Bodie, Sonora Pass and the town of Sonora.

October 13, 2000
Well, the time-lapse project has been cancelled, along with my day job. The Company laid off several people today, including me. :-(
I'll have to find a new place to run the former Notify webcam now.

Speaking of ex-employers, I just put up some photos from a recent Logical Services "Wake" here for your viewing pleasure. Send me an email if you were there and would like me to add captions to any of the photos.

October 6, 2000
I planted some Marigold seeds in a flower pot on my windowsill a few days ago. They are starting to sprout, and I thought it would be interesting to train the webcam on the flower pot and collect some photos. If it works out, I'll post some time-lapse sequences of the growth later on.


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