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Todays's date & time
2025-03-05 10:19:26 PST

August 25, 2000
Today's topic: Baseball rules. Interesting reading (thanks to Baylink for the link).

August 22, 2000
Today's topic: Computer history. Visit the Computer Museum History Center, see a list of every commercially made computer, and check out a few more computer history links.

August 9, 2000
Life imitates art (if you can call the 1969 Jerry Lewis movie Hook, Line and Sinker art).

August 8, 2000
The BFG8500 has been relisted on eBay, due to a deadbeat bidder on the previous auction. Here is the new link to the auction. Publicity and comments can be found at TheGeek.org, Quakexpert.com (France).


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