Latest update
Todays's date & time
2025-03-05 10:32:44 PST

May 29, 2000
Memorial Day 2000
U.S. Flag

May 22, 2000
Things to do in Annapolis.

May 16, 2000
I called Verio today to cancel my account with them. After two wrong guesses and about 20 minutes on hold, I finally reached the right department. Didja ever notice how it's always easier to sign up than to cancel?
When I first signed up for Internet access in 1995, I signed up with a company called Interramp (because they offered ISDN access). Interramp was shortly thereafter acquired by Mindspring. I stayed with Mindspring for a while, until it became nearly impossible to get a connection due to all the busy signals. So, I switched to Aimnet, a local company which had good service and few busy signals. Then, Aimnet was purchased by Verio, and it was downhill from there.
Now, I'm using PacBell for ISDN dialup access, and Hurricane Electric for web hosting. So far, so good...

May 15, 2000
Bon Voyage to Mom & Dad, bound for the Great White North on holiday.

May 14, 2000
Happy Mother's Day!

May 8, 2000
The new site is starting to come together, though many changes are still to come. Please let me know if you find any broken links, or other errors or suggestions. Thanks!

May 4, 2000
Welcome to the brand-new internet home of Paul & Rhonda White!

May 3, 2000
PacBell only allows 3 megabytes for user web sites, so I'm going to sign up with Hurricane Electric for web hosting.

May 2, 2000
I signed up with PacBell for internet access today. I use ISDN at my office for high speed access, and PacBell offers pretty good pricing on ISDN dialup, and the cost just goes onto my phone bill.

May 1, 2000
I registered my new domain name today. Instead of using Network Solutions to register the name, I used domaininfo.com (Port), a company located in Sweden. They have lower prices than Network Solutions, and a better legal agreement. Until recently, Network Solutions has been the only domain registrar around. (See The Domain Name Buyer's Guide).


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