The UniTrigger is a Control Voltage (CV) to MIDI converter.
Two 1/4 inch phone jacks accept 0 to +5 volt control voltage and
trigger inputs. MIDI data on the MIDI input jack is merged with note-on
and note off data and retransmitted on the MIDI output jack.
A special feature of the UniTrigger is the ability to accept an analog
voltage as the trigger and produce variable note-on and note-off velocity
on the rate of change of the trigger signal.
Another nice feature is a switch that can enable a "retrigger"
option. When retrigger is enabled, as long as the trigger input is in the
triggered state, a change in the CV that controls the note pitch will turn
off the current MIDI note
and trigger another note at the new pitch. When retrigger mode is off,
the MIDI note will hold at the initial CV until a new trigger is detected.
Internal adjustments:
An internal trim pot controls the volts-per-octave of the CV input, so
can use the UniTrigger with Moog or other manufacturer's equipment which
don't use exactly 1 volt per octave.
Other trimmers control the trigger velocity voltage span and trigger
level. A DIP switch sets the MIDI channel number.